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Grey Literature in Multicultural Women's & Gender Studies (MWGS) Research

This guide will help provide information about grey literature and resources to find grey literature that can be helpful in MWGS research.

What Resources are Considered Grey Literature?

The list of grey literature resources has grown over time. With the expansion of more resources readily available online, such as with digital archives, the potential for grey literature to amplify your research is even easier.

Podcasts can be useful while gathering information on a variety of current and historic topics. Archives can also benefit researchers and can be an important aspect of grey literature. Items such as unpublished manuscripts, correspondences, and research notes, can be important resources in research. Zines can also be added to the list and provide information in a creative way and provide information that might not be found in other formats.

Below you will find a sample Grey Net International's (n.d.) list of types of grey literature documents. You can see their entire list here.

Blogs Lectures Proceedings
Brochures Legislation Questionnaires
Case Studies LibGuides Research Notes
Course Materials Newsletters Reviews
Dissertations Pamphlets Syllabus
Flyers Policy Documents Unpublished Manuscripts
Government Documents Posters Websites
Interviews Preprints Working Papers
Leaflets Press Releases Yearbooks