Statistics and data are another portion of grey literature by adding to the scholarship of current trends, ideas, and paths of research.
Margo Anderson (1992), author of The History of Women and the History of Statistics, understands the reason for including these types of information:
Like other fields of social history, women's history needs statistics-both in the sense of statistical data and in the sense of methodology to arrange and analyze that data. Women's history as a field needs statistics because statistics can answer crucial questions about the character and scope of changes in women's lives over time and across place. Statistics provide information about aggregates, distributions, rates, and correlates that are absolutely essential to the corpus of women's history knowledge and, from my reading, that can be discovered no other way" (Anderson, 1992, p 1).
Anderson, M. (1992). The History of Women and the History of Statistics, Journal of Women's History, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring), pp 14-36