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Best Practices for Chat/Ask a Librarian

Considerations/guidelines for successfully answering Chat Questions/ Emails and questions submitted to TWU's Ask a Librarian Service

Chat/ Ask a Librarian Service Overview

The Library provides virtual reference service through the suite of product offered by SpringShare. This includes the FAQ pages, LibAnswers and Chat. The software allows Librarians, Library Assistants, Graduate Students, and Interns to answers quick text questions as well as answering more complex reference questions that require a "Reference Interview" style of questions and answers to help remote users of this service. 

When answering questions you have access to information about the TWU libraries in order to inform students about the resources, including research databases and other resources at TWU. The Denton Blagg-Huey Library has the Woman's Collection and TWU has Dallas and Houston campuses as well. An overview of the resources located in these collections / campuses is essential when staffing this service.

When answering questions, anyone staffing this service should instruct students rather than provide them answers. 

To access the library's Ask a Librarian / Chat service do the following:

Not So Good Reference Interview

The Successful Reference Interview