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To access articles from magazines and scholarly journals:
1) When searching in TWUniversal, click the title of the article you want to access.
2) Scroll down the page to the "View It" section. There, you will find the names of databases where you can access the full text of the article. Click any of the database titles to continue.
3) If you are given a log-in screen, log in with the same TWU username and password you use everywhere else.
4) If the full text of the article is not immediately displayed once you're in a database, search the screen for the words "Full Text" or "PDF." Clicking a PDF or HTML Full Text file will allow you to access and download the full text of the article.
Each database is a little bit different, but all of them use the words "full text" or "PDF" to indicate where to access the full text of the article.
When searching for an e-book in TWUniversal, access the book using the following steps:
1) In your TWUniversal search results, click the title of the book you want to access.
2) After clicking the book title, scroll down the page to the "View It" section. After the words "Full text," you will find the name of a database where you can access the book.
3) ln most cases, there is no need to download an e-book. Instead, you can click "Read Online" any time you need to access the book.
When using TWUniversal to search for print books, do the following to find the book:
To borrow a print book, take the book and your TWU ID card to the desk at the entrance of the library and let a staff member know you'd like to borrow the book. Keep in mind that some books or book collections in the library.