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From the National Library of Medicine
Director's Comments
Consumer Health Complete
TWU Login required
1. Login with TWU Portal Name and Password.
2. Below the Search button, find the Videos & Animations link.
(Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality / EBP)
View, share, and download your favorite AHRQ Consumer Health Videos on this free channel available on YouTube.
NIH Senior Health Videos
Topics: Alzheimer's Disease, Cataract, COPD, Dry Mouth, Eating Well, Exercise, Falls, Glaucoma, Hearing Loss, Osteoporosis, Shingles, Sleeping, Stroke, and more.
Talking with Your Doctor
Health & Wellness Resource Center
1. Click on Health & Wellness Resource Center and login in with TWU Portal Name and Password.
2. In the upper righthand corner of the opening webpage, click on "List of Sources."
3. Click on the link: "periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, pamphlets, videos, and reference sources."
4. Scroll down the list to Health & Wellness Resource Center.
5. Below Health & Wellness Resource Center, find the listing for Healthology Video Library.
6. To the right of Healthology Video Libray, click on Excel.
7. Copy the title of a video, go back to the database search page, paste the title into the search box, and search.
The Excel Spreadsheet will list 700 health related videos by subject.