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CINAHL is an acronym for Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature.
This database stores literature pertinent to the field of nursing, dental hygiene, occupational therapy, physical therapy, audiology, speech therapy, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health, health studies, and much much more.
CINAHL Complete does not use MeSH controlled vocabulary. Instead, it provides it's own Controlled Vocabulary tool for Advanced Searchers called CINAHL Subject Headings.
CINAHL Subject Headings
Searchers access CINAHL Subject Headings by clicking the link above the search boxes.
Type the search term you think you want into the CINAHL Subject Headings Search Box then click the BROWSE button.
The CINAHL Subject Headings results page will look and operate exactly as the Medline (EBSCO) MeSH page.
Select the recommended term, make choices from the subheadings list, then click the BIG GREEN Search button.
Once you've clicked SEARCH, CINAHL will display the Search Results.
See the left side navigation to access additional search options and click on Show More.
Make selections from the Limits options. Do NOT select the Full Text option.
Scroll down the page to see more options. As in Medline (EBSCO), use the Publication Types options to select research methods.
CINAHL Complete & CINAHL Subject Headings Video Demonstration
Coming soon.