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The Medline database is a subset of the larger, more comprehensive PubMed BioMedical Sciences database.
Medline database includes literature in the following subject areas:
Subject areas in Medline can be categorized into several areas:
Recommended interface Medical information including nursing, health care systems, pre-clinical sciences, and dentistry, veterinary medicine.
Medline (EBSCO) provides MeSH
Click the MeSH 2019 link to enter the MeSH Dictionary.
Type your search term into the search box to determine the correct search term for searching the Medline (EBSCO) database.
Now select the term recommended by the database.
Select the term by clicking the checkbox beside the term. Once you select the term, a blue line and column will appear with additional selections.
ADVICE: Always select the EXPLODE option to ensure ALL synonyms are searched automatically in the background.
ADVICE: Only select one option from the checkbox list. If you need to choose more, perform separate searches for each checkbox selection.
Now click the BIG GREEN Search Database Button on the right.
After you've performed a search in MeSH for the correct controlled vocabulary search term, look to the left side of the RESULTS LIST to see the Refine Results navigation options. Look for the Show More link:
After you click SHOW MORE, you will see multiple additional options that will help focus a search.
Notice the following options:
NEVER select the Full-Text checkbox option. If you select that option, you will be accessing full-text bought by the Libraries from EBSCO only. If you leave the Full-Text checkbox option unchecked, you will be accessing ALL the Full-Text the Library owns.
NEVER select the Evidence Based Practice checkbox option. That box is NOT accurate. It will miss important research. Instead, search for specific "research methods" that provide scientific evidence.
PLAY CLOSE ATTENTION to the Publication Type menu option. Select from a list of research methods:
The Publication Type options list a few research methods. If you wish to select more than one research method, simply hold down the Control (Ctrl) Key and make your selections. Then release the Control Key.
If the Publication Type feature does not list the research method you want, simply type in the research method into the normal search boxes.
Medline & MeSH (EBSCO) Video Demo
Coming Soon
Medline (OVID)
Medical information including nursing, health care systems, pre-clinical sciences, and dentistry, veterinary medicine.
Medline (OVID) provides access to MeSH through the Map Term to Subject Heading checkbox.
Type the search term into the search box and click SEARCH.
On the OVID MeSH webpage, select the term recommended and select EXPLODE. The click CONTINUE.
After clicking CONTINUE, the database will offer "Subheading" choices. Select only 1 at a time. Perform separate searches.
After clicking CONTINUE again, Medline (OVID) displays your Results.
Limiters / Filters in Medline (OVID)
After you've performed a search with the correct controlled vocabulary, scroll down below the Search Box to see the ADDITIONAL LIMITS button.
Clicking the ADDITIONAL LIMITS button will reveal an extensive list of option to limit the search.
After options have been selected, click the LIMIT A SEARCH button.
Your new, more focused Search Results will display.
OVID returned 4 results on the topic brain cancer diagnosis for human, over the age of 45, published since 2017 that used the Randomized Controlled Trial research method.
Medline & MeSH (OVID) Search Demonstration Video
Coming Soon