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Nutrition and Food Sciences - Houston

The Houston NFS student, faculty and staff will find practical information on nutrition and food sciences.

STAT!Ref: Medical Texts

STAT!Ref is a collection of informational resources within TDS Health and has researching help available here

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Google Books Search

Google Book Search


RefWorks Log-in Name:

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Use RefWorks citation software to gather and manage citations. When you're ready, use RefWorks software to create bibliographies automatically.

PICO in Many Languages: More Searching Help

Search Filters

The following webpages provide a detailed look into advanced search strategies in evidence-based literature searching.

Finding Evidence in Health Sciences Research
National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR)
National Institutes of Health National Medical Library

PubMed Clinical Queries Filter
Clinical Studies 

Search Strategy for Systematic Reviews
Systematic Reviews 


Access All TWU Databases

List of all TWU databases: TWU Databases A to Z

To see the list of databases recommend for NURSING studies, go to the Articles/Databases  tab.

Get tutorials and other TWU library help at our Tutorials webpage.

Selected Help for PubMed, MEDLINE and Cochrane Database Use

The Cochrane Library is a valuable and different database  in health sciences research, described here with training available

The PubMed searching Help Guide here and more searching help on PubMed and MEDLINE are  here

A PubMed MeSH 44 minute controlled vocabulary tutorial video produced by the National Library of Medicine is here.

Advanced Searching in PubMed: see and also here

Is part of your article citation missing?  Use PubMed's tool to find the full citation: Single citation matcher

Learn how to save PubMed citations to RefWorks or another citation manager here

Search PubMed in a language other than English, including Spanish, French or others at BABEL PubMed

Here is a search guide to Finding Nursing Articles Fast in PubMed 2022

What does the National Library of Medicine do? See here

TWU Doesn't Have Your Article?

Try these options:
WorldCat:    (database)
   find journal articles, books and more in libraries all over the world sent to your email or library. TWU Portal login required. 
TexShare:  As a benefit of your Texas residency, you can physically visit and use over 400 library collections all over Houston, Dallas, Denton and throughout the State of Texas, when you are registered. See TWU pages at Services or any Texas resident can register at 
Texas Medical Center (TMC) (Houston) is the largest medical center in the world and boasts the world's largest cancer center and the largest children's hospital. With over 49 healthcare institutions, the TMC offers resources of a membership TMC Library, and the libraries of many of its member institutions that are available to TWU students by consulting with your TWU Houston library staff.
UNT Libraries:    Take your TWU ID Card. 
Document Delivery / InterLibrary Loan:    Fill out an online form with desired item citation information, and TWU Libraries staff will broadcast your request to libraries all over the continental U.S... Books and media can be borrowed, and journal articles can be located from a participating library, copied and emailed to you.

Want E-Books?

Find electronic resources at the TWUniversal, the TWU libraries catalog, from any search engine on the internet.

Find TWU Libraries E-Resources

TWU Portal login required.

Encyclopedeas, Dictionaries, Handbooks, Almanacs, etc.

Enter your search terms:

Search TWU Libraries' specialized encyclopedias, handbooks, almanacs, directories, dictionaries and so on.

Foreground :: Background Questions

Foreground Questions

--general knowledge (What is MRSA?)
--basic information (What are the 8 blood types?)
--not needed to make a clinical decision
     textbooks, handbooks, encyclopedias, etc.

Background Questions

--specific knowledge;
--requires PICO elements;
--use advanced search skills
--necessary for decision making
--will fall into one of 4 categories:
          therapy, diagnosis, prognosis, etiology
          databases with specialized search options

Library Instructional Materials