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PubMed is the largest Health Sciences (that includes Health Care Administration, Nursing, Nutrition, Food Sciences, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy) database in the world, in any language, so searching it can save research time. Enter PubMed Database then click Advanced. Enter a term (obesity) and click ADD. On the right, click ADD then Search to see results page. At the results screen, click limits on the left including Full text, Publication date (5 years) Humans and English as preferred. Clicking additional filters lets you limit by article type, ages of the subjects, and more. Click an article title, then Find It @TWU button and input your Pioneer Portal to open full text or to submit an interlibrary loan request. Click email to send. One method to save the citation(s) to your RefWorks account is to choose citations in your screen, click Send to then Citation Manager and select citations to Create File and save to your desktop. Open your RefWorks account, and Import a file from your computer by finding the file you saved on your desktop with Add and Import References. PubMed database changed in January, 2020 with streamlined searching. Video on PubMed 2022 is available here. See PubMed training here.
These lists of journals represent a core selection that pertain to the subject area. If you wish to find more journals, please look in our Journal Search.
Utilizing multiple resources, including a variety of databases and journals, give researchers more comprehensive insight into their field of interest. Some databases provide a breadth of literature, while other databases may choose to focus on a specific aspect. Expanding your search strategy to accommodate multiple resources offer a greater chance of success in your research efforts.
If you need an article that you're unable to access through TWU Libraries, you can request it via ILLiad. To find out more or to submit an interlibrary loan request, please click here.
These lists of databases represent a core selection that pertain to the subject area. If you wish to find more databases, please review our A to Z List of Databases.
Cochrane Library
If you need to locate a test with internal validity and reliability, use these databases listed below to search for your subject (such as hand strength) and find articles that discuss the reliability and validity of those tests. You may need to obtain access to the full-text version through one of our databases, through TWU Library Search.