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Open Access

Digital Scholarship Librarian

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Beth Headrick
Blagg-Huey Library
307 Administration Drive
Denton, TX 76204

What is Open Access?

Open Access (OA) is scholarly literature that is free to read and often has various re-use rights.

Open Access is entirely compatible with and insists on upholding standards of peer review, copyright, quality, prestige, and research impact. As an author Open Access provides you with a larger potential audience and citation advantage.

Open Access Explained

Citation Benefits

Across disciplines, Open Access articles get more citations:

How do I participate in OA?

There are two ways to participate in Open Access:

  • Archiving in a repository - By archiving in a repository, such as TWU's institutional repository or a disciplinary repository, you can participate in what is referred to as "green OA" without changing how, where, and why you publish. The majority of publishers allow you to archive the submitted or accepted versions of your articles. View the Repository @ TWU guide for more information. 
  • Publishing Open Access - By publishing an Open Access journal you'll benefit from having your work immediately available and typically with retain your full copyright. There are nearly 9,000 peer-reviewed journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. View the publishing Open Access tab for more information.

Open Access Myths

Myth #1: Publishing Open Access is the only Open Access
You can participate in Open Access in two ways: publishing Open Access or archiving your research. 

Myth #2: You're paying to publish
Open Access journals operate on a different funding model. It is not vanity publishing. The "article processing charge" business model shifts the cost and makes the content available to everyone.

Myth #3: All Open Access journals charge fees
The majority of Open Access journals do not charge fees. 60% of journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals do not charge an article processing charge to the author. 

Myth #4: Open Access journals are low in quality
Open Access journals have the same standards of peer review, copyright, quality, prestige, and research impact.