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Saving your search

Saving your search can be useful if you ever want to run the search again at a future point in time or set up alerts so that you will be automatically emailed should new results populate within that search.


  1. Create a personal account by clicking 'sign in' at the top of the page. Go to Create a New Account and set up your profile. If you already have an account then simply log in.  
  2. Enter your search.
  3. Click the 'Search History' icon located above the search results.
  4. Select and click on the search you wish to save. Then click 'Save Searches/Alerts'.
  5. On the pop-up screen that appears you will have the option of naming your search and/or setting it up as an alert. If you would like the database to alert via email you every time new articles are produced by the search, select from the options that appear and click 'Save'.
  6. To access your saved searches in future, click on the 'folder' icon located next to the 'sign in' / 'sign out' icon. Click the 'Saved Searches' icon located on the left hand side of the page.
  7.  The retrieved search or alert can either be rerun, edited, or deleted.


  1. Create a personal account by clicking 'sign in to NCBI' at the top right of the page. Click on 'NCBI login'. Click on 'Register for account'. If you already have an account then simply log in.  *Pubmed is just one of many resources that NCBI offers.
  2. Enter your search.
  3. Click the 'Create Alert' icon located under the search box.
  4. Select and click on the search you wish to save. Then click 'Save Searches/Alerts'.
  5. On the pop-up screen that appears you will have the option of naming your search and/or setting it up as an alert. If you would like the database to alert via email you every time new articles are produced by the search, select from the options that appear and click 'Save'.
  6. To access your saved searches in future, click on the 'My NCBI' icon located on the home page of the NCBI. 
  7.  The retrieved search or alert can either be rerun, edited, or deleted.