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S I T E Primary Sources
Suffrage in Texas Expanded
Suffrage in Texas Expanded (SITE) is an ongoing project to develop a digital research collection that consists of a webliography of resources that chronicle a more inclusive vision of the struggle for women’s suffrage in Texas.
African American and Black Women
Dorothy Lofton: An Oral History. Texas Association of Women’s Clubs. Interviewed by Liz Nichols. August 25, 2001. Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University. MSS 300.
Lofton discusses her involvement as secretary in in black club work beginning with the Junior Maids, Strivers and the Voters League. Voting was encouraged by these groups, national voting was ok, but local voting for sheriff did not occur in Marlin, Texas by African American women until the 1960s (7). Integration was frowned upon in Marlin, Texas, and often whites sent their children to different schools to prevent it (11). Lofton also discussed the community aid and focus within her area of black women clubwomen opening up their homes to others after natural disaster.
Hattie Mae White. (1900-) Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University. Microfiche.
Newspaper clipping and pamphlets on the work of White on the Houston School Board (1958-1967).
Texas Federation of Colored Women Club House, San Antonio, Texas. MSS. 491.01.002
Photograph of the clubhouse in San Antonio, which cost 5,000. Black women often worked within shared club spaces and married women's societies to do their organizing work for civil rights and political equality.
Chicana and Latina Women
Andrea and Teresa Villarreal. Woman's Collection. Texas Woman's University.
Andrea Villarreal published La mujer moderna calling for women's rights and independence including voting, as a result of the Mexican revolution.
Emma Tenayuca. Box 3: General Correspondance. Bexar County Women’s Political Caucus. Women's Collection. Texas Woman's University. MSS 420
In 1988, Tenayuca organized the Bexar County Women's Political Caucus, working on issues of domestic violence awareness, women's history pay equity and electing representatives to both county and federal appointments that are women, cited 26/435 in House and the need for a candidate in Bexar.
Jovita Idar. Woman's Collection. Texas Woman's University. 2 vertical file folders.
Idar's work includes her deep organizing skills and involvement in both children's education and women's political participation. She founded and served as president for La Liga Femenil Mexicanista and wrote for La Crónica, where she voiced the desire for women to have the right to vote. Woman's Collection. Texas Woman's University.