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Food Disparity

This Food Disparity subject guide provides sources for poverty, food disparity, and food deserts.

Nutrition and Food Sciences (NFS) Databases

Databases containing articles and information on nutrition and other topics. Click on a database title to begin.

1. Choose a database to search. You may need to search more than one!

2. If available, go to the Advanced Search in the database you are using. This allows for more precise searching.

3. Type each of your search words into a different search bar. Search.

4. Read abstracts and subject terms associated with the article to determine whether it will be relevant to your research.

5. To view the full article, look for something that is a PDF or says Full Text.

6. If you have any trouble accessing the full-text version of an article, contact the library for assistance.

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Citation Styles

Below are some citation styles commonly used in the NFS field. Ask your instructor which style you should use for your course.

RefWorks Citation Manager

A great tool for gathering your citations and getting them started.

**Always be sure to double-check that your citations are correct when using an automatic citation program such as RefWorks.**

Online Sources