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For Nursing research, try these databases first.
Journals providing health professionals with the latest developments impacting nursing, including changes in policy, practice and research.
Depending on your topic, you might find information in these databases.
These resources are useful for BASIC information about a topic. Includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.
Open access to free electronic theses and dissertations in all subjects, provided through collaboration between EBSCO and BiblioLabs.
Example Database Search for articles:
Example Google Scholar Search for articles:
1. Type in the journal title.
2. Click the correct journal title name from the results list.
3. Look for the "Refereed" designation. Refereed = Peer Review
When searching for full-text articles, click the PDF link to access the full-text article.
If there is no PDF, locate the Find Full-Text link . Follow these steps.
1. Locate and click on the Find Full-Text link for your article:
2. Click on the Database link where the full-text article is held.
3. Click on the PDF link in the database.
If you cannot access the full-text, consider submitting an "inter-library loan" (ILL) request.
Sometimes your librarian can help locate full-text even if it appears not to be available -- so feel free to get in touch before submitting an ILL request.
Google Scholar is a subset of big Google. It searches for items on the Internet that are "published."
Can't find full text? Submit a request. It's free!
TWU InterLibrary Loan
When TWU does not have your article full-text, you can request full-text using the TWU Libraries InterLibrary Loan service.
Below are links to information concerning InterLibrary Loan.
* For Students, Faculty, & Staff only. * Register for an account using TWU Portal name & password
* Full Text arrives in your email * Track ILL Requests (like UPS or FedEx) * Delivery within 24 hours is our goal
* No ILL for Reserve items * No ILL for Textbooks * No ILL for Woman's Collection items * No ILL for videos or CDs
1. On the TWU Libraries homepage, click the ILL request button. (right side of webpage)
2. Login using TWU Portal Name and Password.
3. Fill out ILL account form.
4. Click Submit Information button. (see above)
Your ILL account will look like this.