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Physical Therapy - Houston

Physical Therapy Subject Guide for the Houston Campus


Welcome to the TWU Libraries' Physical Therapy Houston subject guide. Here, you will find databases, journal articles, e-books and other information resources to help you succeed in your studies, class projects, research, and publication. Please use the page listings on the left to navigate through the guide and ask your Houston Campus Library staff for help.

Check out our information for the Houston Library on PowerPoint

A general, self-paced Houston Library guide is HERE

DIY Houston Library Search Navigation (4 min.)

FACULTY: Would you like to place items on Library Reserve, available electronically 24/7?  If yes, click HERE


Check out the Additional Spaces:

Need a quiet spot to study? Find it in the Library, Room 4132

Need a break? Come relax in the Houston Nap Pod!

User Guide

Remember your TWU Librarians, available to TWU Students to help teach you how to locate the best information and become self-sufficient in information research and retrieval. For Faculty and Staff, TWU Librarians provide you with the information you need.

Databases and Journals: Recommendations for the best databases with journal articles you need.

Books and Videos:   TWU reserve items, streaming videos, FAQs on getting  books from other campuses & libraries. 

Physical Therapy Organizations: Local, regional, national & international PT & related organizations.

Houston Campus Library: Houston Campus Library, located in room 4132, on the 4th floor behind the computer lab

Writing & Citing: How to reference books, articles, webpages, etc., in standardized ways your faculty will approve

APA 7th Edition: The current standard, learn how to quote the experts in an internationally understood format

I Need a Few Good Articles, Please!

First, get your subject in mind, like "Could obesity be caused by a virus?" This is the most important step (and the hardest)

Next, try the world's biggest health sciences database, called PubMed. Do an Advanced (click it) search; input obesity, click ADD input viruses, click ADD & click Search. Refine the results on the left of the Results page by year (last 5 years) full text, language, ages, controlled clinical trials or whatever you prefer to find a few good articles.

Click Send to and send to your RefWorks account to help design a beautiful References list to attach to your great paper.

Don't forget RefWorks 3.0 to help you manage your research!

What are Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods in Research Data?

What is research, and what is qualitative versus quantitative research? What is mixed methods research? Many different homework assignments ask the student to locate qualitative research or quantitative research articles. The US PubMed Central data source has an article describing qualitative research.  Mixed methods research, a combination of different types of research, can be studied at a US National Institutes of Health information source here.  Many resources throughout the world concern themselves with ethical research conduct, including how to carefully manage individuals who are the subject of research and clinical trials (see NIH Clinical Research Trials and You). The US National Institutes of Health and also the Australian government display a National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, and the UK government has much information concerning the National Health Service Health Research Authority and more.


Houston Center Library Materials

The Houston Center Library Room 4132 (at the Houston campus) has books from TWU's School of Business, Department of Health Care Administration, School of Nursing, Department of Nutrition & Food Sciences, School of Occupational Therapy and the School of Physical Therapy, also.  Available for Houston TWU faculty, staff, and students to consult in the library, all of these materials (books, audiovisuals and journals) are specially selected and added to the collection by your faculty and staff. There is a pc/scanner available to print in b&w or color at the adjacent Mega Computer Lab. The Library also has Laptops and Chromebooks  for checkout.  Most of these materials are available to you to check out during hours of operation,  so come browse the different collections and see what the Houston library has to offer you.

Please know that "Textbooks, reference, non-circulating, media materials, and Houston Reserve Items may not be requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)."

Houston's TWU building has shelter in place locations in the event of a storm, here.

Library News and Technical Issues

Remember in the event of a storm, the Houston TWU building has designated shelter in place parts of the building illustrated here

The TWU library homepage, the Twitter handle @TWULibrary and the Facebook page show updates on library news, as well as reports on technical issues and content changes regarding library resources. Databases may have temporary downtimes. 

Did you know that Medicare is 58 years old?  See Medicare for information.


You need to keep healthy for success.

What is your BMI?

What annual tests do you need?

How is your diet?