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Records Retention Management


The University's Record Management Program is designed to ensure that we remain in compliance with State record keeping laws.

What Are the Benefits of Using the Texas Woman’s University Retention Schedule?

Benefit 1 - Offers Legal Protection:  Adhering to the TWU Record Retention Schedule and disposing of records accordingly helps protect us from legal risk.

Benefit 2 - Increases Efficiency (Frees Up Time and Space):  Ensures that important records are organized and maintained so the records are easily retrieved and identifiable as evidence of TWU’s activities (especially in the event of an audit, a Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) request, or a discovery in a lawsuit). 

Benefit 3 - Reduce Costs:  Freeing up storage space and improving efficiency, helps keep cost down because records will use less physical and virtual space.  

Benefit 4 - Improves Pubic Perception:  Dispose of records regularly so you aren't getting rid of a large quantity of records this can give the University a negative public perceptions. 

Benefit 5 - Protects Essential Records:  An active records management program help protect TWU's vital, historical and permanent records from environmental or physical dangers.

Texas Government Code