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STAT!Ref is a collection of informational resources within TDS Health and has researching help available here
Use the EBP Worksheet above to define your research question using PICO(T).
Comparison Groups
PubMed is the largest Health Sciences (that includes Health Care Administration, Nursing, Nutrition, Food Sciences, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy) database in the world, in any language, so searching it can save research time. Enter PubMed Database then click Advanced. Enter a term (obesity) and click ADD. On the right, click ADD then Search to see results page. At the results screen, click limits on the left including Full text, Publication date (5 years) Humans and English as preferred. Clicking additional filters lets you limit by article type, ages of the subjects, and more. Click an article title, then Find It @TWU button and input your Pioneer Portal to open full text or to submit an interlibrary loan request. Click email to send. One method to save the citation(s) to your RefWorks account is to choose citations in your screen, click Send to then Citation Manager and select citations to Create File and save to your desktop. Open your RefWorks account, and Import a file from your computer by finding the file you saved on your desktop with Add and Import References. PubMed database changed in January, 2020 with streamlined searching. Video on PubMed 2022 is available here. See PubMed training here.
List of all TWU databases: TWU Databases A to Z
To see the list of databases recommend for NURSING studies, go to the Articles/Databases tab.
Get tutorials and other TWU library help at our Tutorials webpage.
Next, try the world's biggest health sciences database, called PubMed. Do an Advanced (click it) search; input obesity, click ADD input viruses, click ADD & click Search. Refine the results on the left of the Results page by year (last 5 years) full text, language, ages, controlled clinical trials or whatever you prefer to find a few good articles.
Click Send to and send to your RefWorks account to help design a beautiful References list to attach to your great paper.
Don't forget RefWorks 3.0 to help you manage your research!
In your Houston library (room 4132; previously known as the Academic Resource Center (or ARC)), you have some textbooks, items on reserve for this semester's classes, and many internet-accessible full text resources available through purchased library data sources. These sources and databases (like PubMed, CINAHL, Academic Source) have electronic copies of books and articles plus a search engine to allow you to find and retrieve the information you need. These materials are available from any internet-accessible device 24/7 and allow you to download, save, print, email and export information to your printer, flash drive, an email address, a bibliographic manager like RefWorks and more. Your Houston librarians and staff help you learn how to find materials during campus Orientations so that you can locate materials on your own during the semester. If you need additional help, please email for an appointment to help you learn how to locate the information that your professors want you to find for your classes.
As a Houston TWU faculty, staff, or student, you have electronic and physical access to TWU library resources and more that support your TWU Houston studies, so come (physically or electronically) let us help you find the resources you need to succeed! Remember your Texas Medical Center and TexShare free registration available, too.
For students, your Houston faculty have provided their personal Departmental libraries for your checkout in the Houston Center Library. Audiovisual items are also available, and items on reserve for the semester can be used with your TWU ID badge for checkout. Faculty departmental books and videos in Business, Health Care Administration, Nursing, Nutrition and Food Science, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and the College of Business are available to loan at the periods your faculty want them loaned to you.
Your library (room 4132) provides library support with use of study carrels, a nap pod, Chromebooks, phone chargers, headphones, pencil sharpeners, a paper cutter, heavy duty staplers, and electric three hole punchers available.
To find genealogical information, Cyndi's List, contains census and family history information. The AAS Historical Periodicals Collection, the The Gateway to Women's History, and various newspapers like the New York Times Archive provide much historical data, as do the Handbook of Texas and Texas Digital Sanborn Maps.
The Cochrane Library is a valuable and different database in health sciences research, described here with training available
The PubMed searching Help Guide here and more searching help on PubMed and MEDLINE are here
A PubMed MeSH 44 minute controlled vocabulary tutorial video produced by the National Library of Medicine is here.
Advanced Searching in PubMed: see and also here
Is part of your article citation missing? Use PubMed's tool to find the full citation: Single citation matcher
Learn how to save PubMed citations to RefWorks or another citation manager here
Search PubMed in a language other than English, including Spanish, French or others at BABEL PubMed
Here is a search guide to Finding Nursing Articles Fast in PubMed 2022
What does the National Library of Medicine do? See here
Find electronic resources at the TWUniversal, the TWU libraries catalog, from any search engine on the internet.
Find TWU Libraries E-Resources
TWU Portal login required.
Do you need to understand Informatics? See
Do you need to understand Evidence Based? See Evidence-Based Practice
Foreground Questions
--general knowledge (What is MRSA?)
--basic information (What are the 8 blood types?)
--not needed to make a clinical decision
textbooks, handbooks, encyclopedias, etc.
Background Questions
--specific knowledge;
--requires PICO elements;
--use advanced search skills
--necessary for decision making
--will fall into one of 4 categories:
therapy, diagnosis, prognosis, etiology
databases with specialized search options
The following webpages provide a detailed look into advanced search strategies in evidence-based literature searching.
Finding Evidence in Health Sciences Research
National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR)
National Institutes of Health National Medical Library
PubMed Clinical Queries Filter
Clinical Studies
Search Strategy for Systematic Reviews
Systematic Reviews