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Speech Language Pathology - Dallas

Speech Pathology research for TWU students, faculty, and staff.


“For ethical reasons the Library Staff does not provide legal, medical, or citation advice.  All style manuals are different and all instructors interpret the guidelines established within the style manuals differently, so we can point you to the page that describes how references should be cited; however, we cannot tell you whether or not your interpretation of the description is correct.  If you have questions, you should always speak to your instructor, as they may want it cited a certain way.”




APA: Chapter PRINT format structure:


L, F.M. (Year). Title of chapter.  In F. Last (Ed), Title of book (pp. x-xx). Publisher City, State: Publisher.


Chapter Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle. (Year). Chapter Title (Following title Capitalization rules). In Editor First initial. Editor Last Name (Ed.), Title (in italics), (pp. x-xx). City Published, State Published: Publisher Name.


If the chapter of a book is written by different authors (and the book is put together by an editor), then provide a separate reference for each chapter that you used.

If more than one editor of a book, list all of the editors and use the "&" symbol in the place of the word "and." Follow the names with (Eds.).

Use italics under the chapter print format.


Examples citing a chapter in an edited book:

 Basso, A. (2008). Treatment for fluent aphasia from a cognitive-impairment perspective. In N. Martin, C. K. Thompson, & L. Worrall (Eds.), Aphasia Rehabilitation: The impairment and its consequences (pp. 31-44). San Diego, CA: Plural.


Elman, R. J., & Hoover, E. (2013). Integrating Communication Support into Aphasia Group Treatment. In N. Simmons-Mackie, J. M. King, & D. Benkelman (Eds.), Supporting communication for adults with acute and chronic aphasia (pp. 189-220). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.


Chapter in Electronic Book:


Author, A. (date). Title of chapter. In E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xx–xx). Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxx

Last, F. M. (Year). Title of Chapter. In F. Last (Ed.), Title of Book [E-reader version, if applicable] (pp. x-xx). Retrieved from http://xxxxx



If there are no page numbers, omit that portion of the reference.

Use square brackets if you read an e-book on an e-reader.


Chapter books with DOIs (either print or electronic)


Author, A. (date). Title of chapter. In E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xx–xx). doi: xxxxxxxxxx


Last. F. M. (Year). Title of Chapter. In F. L (Ed.), Title of Book [E-reader version, if applicable] (pp. x-xx). doi: xxxxx or Retrieved from URL



The in-text citation includes the author and date, as with any other APA Style citation.

Use square brackets for e-books, etc.


In-Text Citation (Paraphrase):

(Author’s last name of chapter, year)


(Reed, 2013)


In-Text Citation (Direct Quote):

(Author’s last name of chapter, year, page number)


(Reed, 2013, p.180)




If the author wrote all the chapters, cite the entire book and use the author’s name for the in-text citation when citing a chapter in a book.