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Children's Collection

FS 3563: Creative Arts and Literature for Young Children

P.I.E.S. Child Development

Class Assignment:    An exploration of theory, practice, and materials for teaching young children music, movement, visual arts, and literature through process-oriented experiences to support divergent thinking. Includes 24 hours of direct observation in a childcare facility.  P.I.E.S. (Physical, Intellectual, Emotional & Social development) Picking Appropriate books for Lesson Plans/Activities



The body changes in size, shape, and grows, including physical abilities and coordination.  
Acquires motor skills including fine and gross motor skills (large & small)
Activities that increase speed, strength and coordination.
Physical development provides children with the abilities they need to explore and interact with the world around them.
Playing with a ball by themselves.


This area has to do with learning, reasoning, problem-solving, practicing mental skills, literacy and understanding concepts.
Interacting with a person including being read to and interacting with the reader.  , it is making her smarter and a better reader
Preschoolers are able to carry conversation due to the words they have learned in reading. 
Elementary children are able to read and write on their own, they can take care of themselves and teach other children as well.
Children have the ability to construct their thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, organize ideas, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.
Includes the learning and use of language


Focuses on expressing feelings, fears, emotions and self-concept.
Emotional development is the emergence of a child's experience, expression, understanding, and regulation of emotions from birth through late adolescence. It also comprises how growth and changes in these processes concerning emotions occur.
Thinking about something and have emotions related to the thought.
When deep in thought, avoid interrupting the child and be quiet.
Upset when they don’t get what they want, thus cry.
Teens can be emotionally attached to each other, they have feelings and emotions for one another because they think the other is special.
Emotional development: feelings and emotional responses to events; changes in understanding one's own feelings and appropriate forms of expressing them.


Social development: the process of gaining the knowledge and skills needed to interact successfully with others.
Social development is how children develop ways to deal with people, including
getting along with and interacting with others. 
Things like sharing, taking turns, taking care of others, playing together and following rules.
Buddies – holding hands.
Talking to each other, including signing. 
Being social with one another by hanging out and interacting.


Searching the Catalog for Children's Books

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On the first row type in your topic, i.e. birthday

On the right side of the screen, change PUBLICATIN DATE to LAST 10 YEARS


= 289

Scroll down, on the left side find LIBRARY and click on DENTON- CHILDREN’S

= 70

If you think this is too many you may consider changing line with birthday from ANY FIELD to SUBJECT

= 6

This may be not enough.

Click on the book or the title of the book to get more information.

Write down (or take a picture) of the title, author and call number.  Note the location will tell you if it is available or checked out.

Scroll down further and find the row FORMAT.  This will list the number of pages.  If it says UNPAGED, this means it is 36 pages or fewer.  Books that are up to 36 pages are picture books.