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Effective Searching must be planned and methodical. Below are suggested steps for searching.
1. Know your topic. (Background Information)
Dates, names, spellings, definitions, symptoms, etc.
2. List all the search terms for the topic you can think of.
Think SYNONYMS: Formal, Informal, and Technical
3. Ask yourself where might information on your topic be located.
Internet? Books? Newspapers? Journals?
4. Choose your search tool.
TWUniversal? A Database? Google? Google Scholar?
5. Decide which information format you want.
Article? Video? Book Chapter? Audio file? Image?
6. Make a plan.
Database + search terms X, Y & Z + peer-review
7. Explore your topic in several places.
Analyze your results. Which search terms work best?
8. Search again and again and again.
Keep testing search terms in different databases.
9. Archive your citations in RefWorks.
Let RefWorks create your Bibliography automatically.
10. Can't find what you are looking for?
Ask the Librarian assigned to this Subject Guide for help.
All search technology operates using Boolean Logic & Boolean Operators.
Boolean Operators: AND OR NOT
All search technology uses Boolean Logic. Watch this video to see what it is and how it works.
Knowing the Boolean Operators and using them correctly is key to effective searching for evidence.
Search Medline EBSCO using controlled vocabulary for a comprehensive search
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
American Psychological Association
Basics of writing references for journal articles, books, and chapters in an edited book.
Examples of references from common sources such as articles, books and online information.