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COMS 5333: Assessment and Diagnosis of Communication Disorders

This course studies evaluative and assessment processes in speech-language pathology including the techniques and materials used to diagnose various communicative disorders in children and adults.


Welcome to the COMS 5333 Libguide where you will find books, journals, articles, and databases that are going to help with your class.

Evidence-Based Practice from ASHA

  • Clinical expertise
    • The knowledge, judgment, and critical reasoning acquired through your training and professional experiences
  • Evidence
    • The best available information gathered from the scientific literature (external evidence) and from data and observations collected on your individual client (internal evidence)
  • Client/patient/caregiver preference
    • The unique set of personal and cultural circumstances, values, priorities, and expectations identified by your client and their caregivers

Follow these steps to initiate and implement EBP into your clinical practice.