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ART 4903: Special Topics - Illustration


The Maya Angelou Project, "Life Doesn't Frighten Me"


​This guide will help you locate sources to develop a narrative illustration for Maya Angelou's poem, "Life Doesn't Frighten Me"

  1. Locate children's books at the Blagg-Huey Library
    1. The Children's Collection is located on the first floor of the Blagg-Huey Library, beside the information counter
    2. The Children's books are on movable bookshelves
    3. The Library of Congress (LC) call number for children's poetry books is PN - PS
  2. Locate biographical information on Maya Angelou
    1. Search the TWU Libraries catalog for "Maya Angelou" AND biography
    2. Filter your search: articles, books, dissertations, electronic books
  3. Locate references for children to include various ages, body types, ethnic backgrounds
    1. In your browser, enter the following search strings for references to children:
      1. Children AND "body types"
        1. Children and ectomorph 
        2. Children and endomorph
        3. Children and mesomorph
      2. Images of children AND "body types"
      3. Images of children AND ethnicity
  4. Locate Fine Art books in "N" sections
    1. Children's Collection on 1st floor
    2. Woman's Collection on 2nd floor
    3. General Collection on 3rd floor




"Children's Book Awards." InfoSoup, 2019,

"Diversity Resources." Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators

          Accessed 4 Nov. 2019.

Gottesman, Sarah. "The Famous Illustrator's Behind Your Favorite Children's Books." artsy, 21 Aug 2017,

"The 2019 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children's Books." New York Times, 

        1 Nov. 2019,