Evaluating Online Sources
It's important to develop evaluation skills to assist you in identifying quality information. Listed here are two ways to evaluate sources, Click Restraint and the SIFT method. The Click Restraint video describes how to select sources based on their title and description. SIFT stands for Stop, Investigate, Find, Trace. The SIFT method provides evaluation tools to help determine if a site is credible before you select it.
Video: How to Find Better Information Online: Click Restraint
This short video from the Stanford History Education Group illustrates the importance of click restraint and why you shouldn't assume that the first search results are necessarily the most reliable or relevant.
When you practice click restraint, you don't immediately click on the first search results. Instead, you scan a search results page, looking at things like the title and description before deciding on what sources to read.
SIFT is a helpful acronym for initially evaluating source credibility. SIFT (from Mike Caulfield) stands for:
Modified from Mike Caulfield's SIFT (Four Moves), which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Later, when you determine that the site is worth your time, you can analyze the source's content more carefully.