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BIOL 4593: Science in the Secondary Classroom

Can't access the article you need?

If you have trouble accessing a specific article, ask the library for help or try the following:

Finding Articles


You may want to search databases that focus on specific information, such as science or education.

Multidisciplinary Databases

These databases contain information on a variety of sources, including science and education. JSTOR is best when looking for older articles.

Science Databases

These databases contain a variety of information about science--much of it very specific and technical.

Education Databases

These databases may contain information about science experiments in the classroom.

Search Tips

  • Keep a list of words/concepts related to your topic. It is important to use various combinations of words when searching a database. Having a list of words will make it easier to come up with different combinations.

  • Always search in more than one database. Each has a different collection of information.

  • Always start with a broad or simple search. Slowly add more search words, subject terms, or filters until you have a number of results you like (normally fewer than 100).

  • If you don't like the results you get, try another search. You may have to try several different searches before you find what you want.

What is...?

Refresh your memory on certain concepts.