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Levels of evidence are determined by the following:
The highest level of evidence is a systematic review of all relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The next highest level of evidence would be at least one RCT on effectiveness. And so on... e.g. a pseudo-randomized trial that assigns participants by alternating between groups by date of admission.
Non-randomized studies with control group running concurrently with intervention group, non-randomized studies with intervention effects which are compared to previous / historical information, single-case studies, etc.
The EBP pyramid is a visual representation that depicts the quality level of a particular type of evidence — the higher on the pyramid it features, the better the quality. Note: People are fallible, and even though a systematic review or meta-analysis may feature at the top of the pyramid, if it is poorly researched and written, a well-executed lower level of evidence can prove better.
Discusses the hierarchy of study types in the method section of a scientific paper.