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Health Studies

Health studies research guide for TWU students, faculty and staff.

Health Studies is cross-disciplinary. 

The tabs below will help you choose the right database to find articles on your specific topic.

Depending on your topic, you might find information in these databases.

These resources are useful for BASIC information about a topic. Includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.

Research Tip: Use Boolean Logic When Searching

  Use Boolean Logic when searching in databases:

Database Boolean menu

          Com Sci Boolean example

Peer Reviewed???

Research assignments often require peer-reviewed articles. Use our Ulrich's Periodicals Directory database to find out if your resource is peer reviewed.

Ulrich's Serials Directory Logo

1. Type in the journal title.

2. Click the correct journal title name from the results list.

3. Look for the "Refereed" designation.  Refereed = Peer Review

  Ulrich's Journal entry example  Ulrich's peer-reviewed journal example