"The United States currently has 14 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with 20 countries in force; the links below will take you to their full texts.
Please note that FTA countries periodically update their rules of origin, which affects tariff schedules.
For the latest rules of origin for each FTA and to learn more about FTA benefits for U.S. companies, visit our FTA Help Center.
Calculate the tariff rate to export your product to an FTA country using the FTA tariff tool."
Video - Introduction to Free Trade Agreements
2:42 minute video - Export.gov
"This video offers guidance on the advantages and opportunities that US free trade agreements provide.
FTAs can make it easier to ship your product overseas."
Search for tariffs on all products that are covered under the U.S. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).
To use the tool you need:
Search for tariffs on all products that are NOT covered under the U.S. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).
You must register with a valid email address for access.
Shipping Logistics and Supply Chain
Journal of Commerce - online
Journal of Commerce - full text - database link - Use the Search within this publication to search full text
All aspects of commercial transport including economic, trade agreements, sustainability
World Freight Rates - currently not available - October 2022
Enter originating port, destination port, container size and value.
Frightos - Shipping rates - Freight Tools and Calculators