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PRISMA stands for Preferred Reporting in Systematic and Meta-Analysis. It is the generally accepted body that sets standards and guidelines for systematic reviews.
Should you decide to register a systematic review, per PRISMA protocols, you will need an official search strategy detailing your search strategy for one database. Your librarian can help with this.
PRISMA: Scoping Reviews
PRISMA: Systematic Reviews
PRISMA DIAGRAM: The PRISMA diagram is a universally recognized flowchart that details how many different sources of information pertaining to your subject you where you got them from. It also tracks how many articles are left/discarded after being subjected to the following rounds of eliminations.
There are four different flow diagrams to choose from which are located at:
Example of flow diagram for new systematic reviews which included searches of databases, registers and other sources
Suggested Resources:
Flow diagrams can also be generated using a Shiny App available at
For more information about citing and using PRISMA go to