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Nutrition and Food Sciences - Houston

The Houston NFS student, faculty and staff will find practical information on nutrition and food sciences.

PubMed/Mesh Simplified Search 2022

PubMed is the largest Health Sciences (that includes Health Care Administration, Nursing, Nutrition, Food Sciences, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy) database in the world, in any language,  so searching it can save research time. Enter PubMed  Database  then click Advanced. Enter a term (obesity) and click ADD. On the right, click ADD then Search to see results page. At the results screen, click limits on the left including  Full text, Publication date (5 years) Humans and  English  as preferred. Clicking additional filters lets you limit by article type, ages of the subjects, and more.  Click an article title, then Find It @TWU button and input your Pioneer Portal to open full text or to submit an interlibrary loan request. Click email to send. One method to save the citation(s) to your RefWorks account is to choose citations in your screen, click Send to then Citation Manager and  select citations to Create File and save to your desktop. Open your RefWorks account, and Import a file from your computer by finding the file you saved on your desktop with Add and Import References.  PubMed database changed in January, 2020 with streamlined searching. Video on PubMed 2022 is available here. See PubMed training here.

Managing Your Research Step by Step Using PICO

Use the EBP Worksheet above to define your research question using PICO(T).

Comparison Groups

Getting Published Info

Locate great places to publish at Ulrich's Periodicals Database. You can input a subject like functional foods and find a list of authoritative, peer-reviewed journals and information about how you can get published with them.

At you can find information on open access publishing, including the Repository @ TWU. You can learn more about open access at the Directory of Open Access Journals (see at Creative Commons (at and at resources like SPARCalid.

A 12 minute video guiding librarians on how to partner with others in order to get published may be of help to you here.

Please be careful. It can be difficult to identify valid, peer-reviewed, authoritative journals in the mass of a business model that has publication offers popping up constantly in your email. Many appeals to the potential author appear, on the surface, to be scholarly, valid research organs of communication, but careful research reveals that the appeals are actually something else. Please ask your librarian for help or do the research yourself.


To determine if an offer to be published is the kind of high quality journal you seek, library scientists have produced some helpful resources. Take the title and any other information you have about the title and start your search. Trust, but verify.

NFS Databases Use your Pioneer Portal Username and Password to Enter

The world's largest collection of electronic, loanable and rare library materials.

Databases A-Z List & E-Journals: TWU's Full Text Journal Articles

Tests and Measurements Databases

Do you need to find a test with internal validity and reliability? Use these two databases to search on your subject (like hand strength) and then see journal articles and more written about  the reliability and validity of such tests, telling you what level of trained person is needed to conduct the test and also revealing the quality of the test, among other essential factors . Find the fulltext of the articles in another database like PubMed, Academic Search, or at TWU Libraries E-Journals (above, on this page), and you have all the great full text you need to succeed! 

Other Useful Databases

Writing a Concept Analysis Paper

First, consult your syllabus and Canvas documents to see how your faculty define, describe and delineate what this paper needs to be.

Second, consult several reference sources to learn what the term concept analysis and your subject mean.

Third, search in the CINAHL database (seen on this page), search for  the CINAHL subject heading Concept Analysis, find those articles and search for your subject term separately.

Finally, combine the two sets of articles found and refine to the last (5?) years, English language and (?) full text articles to find the articles that discuss your needs, according to your faculty's guidelines.

You are ready to write about these articles for a great concept analysis paper.  Remember to use APA Publication Manual 6th edition (and its update) correctly.

PubMed to RefWorks

Exporting a citation (or more) from PubMed to RefWorks

  1. In your PubMed Results, select a single article (or check the item box next to all the articles you want to save)
  2. In the upper right of the PubMed screen, click Send to revealing Citation Manager (click it)
  3. The item(s) either download on your PC or you get a popup asking if you want to save the files (answer Yes)
  4. Open RefWorks and click References and then Import
  5. At the new window, change your sources to NLM PubMed and PubMed
  6. Click choose file to select your .nbib file and click import; view last imported folder

Writing a Systematic or Other Review

Finding PubMed NFS Articles Fast

Find NFS articles fast in PubMed using this two page guide